Directions to the Gardens.
If you have access to GPS and cellular data, use the Map links to navigate to the Gardens.
The gardens are located 5 mins from the town square in Soufrière. We are easily found whether you are coming from Castries, Vieux Fort, the waterfront of Soufrière or anywhere in between.
From the waterfront of Soufrière: Come one block into town to the town square, turn right at the square and almost immediately take the first left after the square. Continue away from the waterfront, passing the Catholic Church on your left. Pass the Soufrière Estate’s black gates on your right and turn right at the first road (you will see signs). Follow this road to the parking area.
From Castries: Take the west coast highway south to Soufrière. You will cross a single-lane bridge as you come into town, stay on this street until you reach the town square (in the center of town). Stay on this street passing the Catholic Church on your left. Continue out of town, passing Soufrière Estate’s black gates on the right. You will begin seeing signs at this point. Turn right at the first road beyond the gates and follow this road directly to the parking area.
From Vieux Fort: Take the west coast road north to Soufrière. You will come down a steep hill as you come into Soufrière. At the bottom of the hill, you will come to the town square and Catholic church. Turn right and stay on this road, passing Soufrière Estate’s black gates. You will begin seeing signs at this point. Turn right at the first road beyond the gates and follow this road directly over a narrow bridge and around a corner to the parking lot area on the left-hand side.